Love Me Tender

Love Me Tender

An all R&B party with chicken tenders, Love Me Tender is one of my favorite parties to DJ at. Come see us at Mad Myrna’s on Sunday, July 28, 4-9 pm.
Alaska Run For Women

Alaska Run For Women

I always have a blast DJing during the Alaska Run For Women. Special thanks to my friends at Anchorage & Valley Radiation Therapy Centers who hosted me at their Mile 1 water station!
Playlist: Mocha Gracias

Playlist: Mocha Gracias

To celebrate, my upcoming all-vinyl set at Black Cup, I created a new playlist with tracks I would use to soundtrack a café – vibey, but not overpowering. Twenty tracks as a nod to my regular drink, a 20oz coffee of the month:
All Vinyl Black Cup Session

All Vinyl Black Cup Session

There are few things I love more than coffee and records, so know I’m beyond excited to be playing an all-vinyl set at Black Cup, Friday June 14, 5-7 pm. Black Cup Sessions – A Live Music Series are a partnership with Akela Space and feature house-crafted...